

Smiley HAPPY People!

Happy People

“Smile and the world smiles with you”, so the old saying goes. Well scientists have now confirmed that a sunny disposition is contagious and spreads through a social group like wild fire, cheering everyone up!

The study published in the British Medical Journal, found that surrounding yourself with positive friends can also benefit your physical health as optimism is linked to a more efficient immune system.

And to help with that lovely smile, remember to keep up with your regular dental check-ups with our fantastic dentists here at The Ivy.

Teeth Whitening

Special occasion coming up?

Talk to our team at The Ivy about a free Teeth Whitening consultation!

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It is so important to speak to your Dentist when considering Teeth Whitening!

Teeth whitening, or bleaching, is very safe and effective when correctly performed by a professional who can properly screen patients.

Our Dentists here at The Ivy Clinic can provide customised whitening trays, ensure the correct concentration of  Hydrogen Peroxide  and provide dental supervision before, during and after treatment.

The Importance of Dental Check-ups


The Importance of Dental Check-ups

dental check-up

Why do I need a dental check-up?

A check-up allows your dentist to see if you have any dental problems and helps you keep your mouth healthy.

Leaving too long between appointments can make them more difficult to treat in the future, so it’s best to deal with problems early, or, if possible, prevent them altogether.

What happens during a dental check-up?

At each check-up, your dentist will:

  • Always check for any changes in your medical history, and ask if you are taking any medication.
  • Ask if you have had any problems with your teeth, gums or mouth since your last visit.
  • Give you a full mouth examination, checking your teeth, gums and the soft tissue in your mouth.
  • Ask about, and give you advice on, your diet, smoking and alcohol use, and teeth-cleaning habits.

How often should I have a dental check-up?

After your check-up, your dentist will recommend a date for your next visit.

The time to your next check-up could be as short as three months or as long as two years (or up to one year if you’re under 18).

Some people with good oral health will probably need to attend only once every 12 to 24 months, but those with more problems will need check-ups more often.

10 Top Tips for Healthy Gums

Here at The Ivy Clinic in Teddington, our team of dentists are passionate about good oral health.

Here are their 10 Top Tips for Healthy Gums

We all know how important it is to look after our teeth but we should also be following tips for healthy gums.
Read on for some top tips;

1. Regular Checkups!
As you get older, oral hygiene is even more important, as it can mean the difference between having healthy gums and suffering from diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis.
With annual dental visits, your mouth undergoes regular monitoring and long- term problems can be prevented.
Furthermore, your dentist will give you good advice for healthy gums.

2. Hygiene
You should brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes, morning and evening!
Most adults do not come close to this amount of time!
It is also a good idea to have a Hygiene appointment every 3 months, this will keep any hard scale at a minimum.

Here at The Ivy Clinic we have a fantastic Hygienist, called Esti, who will help to treat your gum problems.

3. Mouthwash!
One of the ways to keep gums healthy and your teeth in good condition is to regularly rinse with a mouthwash.
Although flossing will get rid of any excess debris around your teeth, a mouthwash can help kill germs and bacteria that can cause bad breath and also gum disease.

4. Healthy Diet!
There are so many reasons to eat correctly with a good balanced daily diet. Eating well not only helps your body, it is also one of the basic ways to keep gums healthy.
The warnings you are served up about sugary foods being bad for your teeth, apply to your gums too.

5. The Right Toothbrush!
One of the ways to keep gums healthy is by using the right toothbrush. Good quality electric toothbrushes really do give you the best method for both cleaning teeth and looking after your gums. They apply sufficient pressure for good cleaning but without the damage that a hard, rough bristle toothbrush can do.
If your gums bleed when you clean them, speak to your Dentist or Hygienist,  you may need to look at your toothbrush choice.

6. The Right Toothpaste!
Sensitive teeth may also mean sensitive gums. If you have sensitivity issues, choose a toothpaste with a gentle formula.
As well as brushing, you can rub the toothpaste directly on to any extra sensitive areas with your finger, and let it soak in.

7. Teeth Grinding!
If you wake up in the morning with jaw stiffness or headaches, it is often caused by grinding your teeth during the night.
This can become problematic and can cause issues for your gums as well as your teeth.
Speak to your dentist about it and they will give you good advice on how to handle the situation.

Our Principal Dentist at The Ivy Clinic, Dillon Chan, has won awards for his dentistry including the MDDUS prize for research into mouthguards.

8. Relax!
Bet you never thought that avoiding stress would be one of the tips for healthy gums. When you are stressed, it is not so easy to fight off infections, and that includes diseases like periodontal disease.

9. Give Up Smoking!
We can’t deny that smoking is bad for us, and along with all the other potential nasty side effects of smoking, you are at greater risk of periodontal disease and other dental problems.
Giving up those cigarettes is the best advice for healthy gums.

10. How Often Should I Replace My Toothbrush?
Change your toothbrush when it begins to show wear, or every three months.
It is also very important to change toothbrushes after you’ve had a cold, as the bristles can collect germs and lead to re-infection.

With proper care, your teeth and gums can stay healthy throughout your life.

The healthier your teeth and gums are, the less risk you have of tooth decay and gum disease.

Welcome to our blog

This is the first blog post of The Ivy Clinic in Teddington.

Over time this blog will be populated with a range of help and information articles all designed to help you with your specific concerns regarding skin treatments, beauty, dentistry and other health therapies.

As you may know not only do we offer dentistry but a complete range of health therapies including:

  1. Physiotherapy.
  2. Osteopathy.
  3. Chiropody.
  4. Acupuncture.
  5. Reflexology.
  6. Hypnotherapy.

These Health therapies work in tandem with the dental side of our practice where we offer:

  1. Children’s dentistry.
  2. Teeth whitening.
  3. Smile makeovers.
  4. Veneers.
  5. Implants.
  6. Crowns.
  7. Bridges.
  8. Dentures.
  9. Anti snoring appliances.
  10. Invisible orthodontic braces.

And of course we have a range of beauty therapies to complement all of this including:

  1. Wrinkle reduction.
  2. Double fillers.
  3. Anti-perspiration injections.
  4. Skin peels.
  5. Hair, pigment and thread vein removal
  6. Acne treatments.
  7. Manicures and pedicures.
  8. Massage.

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